Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Foreign language learning

In response to AgataL & Students

I think that learning other languages widens your intellectual horizon as well as increases curiosity of life. It may also help people to learn more about their native culture and themselves. 

What is more, in the modern world it is rather impossible to be a member of the global village without speaking at least one other language. Those who think that by knowing English they are able to access any information are making a 'grave mistake' because many other language sources may provide better, more comprehensive outlook on things like current affairs, music and film news, sport, literature, etc. 

In my case not being able to speak English would mean not being able to learn other languages, as many of course-books are in English, not being able to read manga or watch movies, anime or dramas, because subbing squads provide subtitles mostly in English or Spanish and, finally, not being able to listen to BBC pod-casts, understand songs lyrics and travel. Just thinking that I would not be able to have all that makes my heart sink into sadness and despair because I would be a different person.

Lastly, it may be useful to know other languages to decipher the 'modern pidgin' forms of communicating...

PS. Something for philologists ^_^
I would like to share some examples of 'modern pidgin' (these were find in an ad):
'cost cutting w obszarze HR', 
'trendy w employer brandingu na świecie', 
'zarządzanie zmianą na przykładzie outsourcingu kadrowo-płacowego
and something heard in a bus 'w tej pracy nie ma teamworku' o_0.

This may prove the English language domination but, on the other hand, would an English-person understand the 'Me gusta!' thing?


  1. Oh yeah I understand you. Especially when you are into manga and anime:) English is the crucial lg when it comes to staff you mentioned above, but wouldn't you like to learn other lgs? We are at that advantage that we know Eng very well, we know German, so it's relatively easy for us to learn more!

    1. I can speak Czech and a bit Italian and for several years I've been trying to learn Japanese and Korean. I even learn German through English. I really must say I am able to learn all these because I study English.

  2. Haha, very good points! And oh, how terrible the examples of the business lingo! Ugh. I'm glad that the task has made you appreciate your English. I think most of us tend to take it for granted, it being such a strong presence in our lives.

  3. "makes my heart sink into sadness and despair" o___O Unnie, hwaiting!

    The answer to the last question - YES, he/she would. :) It's the Internet language, my dear, and this mem is widely acknowledged. I have friends on Tumblr from all over the world and everyone knows what it is :)
